Learning the recorder - recorder - Music Center Prima

Today, it is one of the more widespread and popular musical instruments, it is also suitable for very young students, enabling them to enter the world of music, learning music and tones. It is also used as a transitional instrument for anyone who wants to play, for example, the clarinet, saxophone or flute, but is still too small to do so. The recorder is an excellent basis, because while playing we learn the correct breathing and posture of the instrument, which is of great help to us later, if we decide to switch to another instrument.

In the Recorder program, we get to know the instrument, its history and its extended family (other representatives of the woodwind family). We learn the correct body posture (back, hands), lip attachment and blowing - shaping the tone. We train musical listening, learn the basics of musical notation, read and write notes, encourage children's creativity - writing compositions. Children develop a sense of rhythm, melody and musicianship, get to know compositions by different authors and periods, get to know and play Slovenian folk songs, compositions by Slovenian authors, world music and compositions written by themselves. We practice playing in a duo, listen to each other and prepare for possible cooperation in a chamber group, and at the end of the year, everyone presents themselves at the final performance.